IMG_4760Get specific and warm up those pullers!  A proper warm up should prepare you for the task at hand.  Noon class a few weeks back getting ready to pull.  (Hint: might see this again tomorrow)  

Workout of the Day


Max DU’s in 1 min (good time to practice if you’re still learning)


WOD: 7 rounds

7 strict pull-ups

7 deadlifts 195/135


I'm going to share this blog post from about beginners and pull ups, which some of you may have seen on FB recently.  While I agree that they can be relied upon too heavily and stunt the athlete's progression, I also believe that, if used appropriately and as a tool and not a crutch, that they can be of benefit to an athlete looking to build strength or endurance in their pull up progression.  Never settle, never get comfortable, always progress.

For most of you who are still looking to develop pull up strength, for this goal to become a realization, it takes practice, repetition and frequency.  If you're training 2-3 days/week and only hit the pull up bar 2x/month, it's going to take a while to get there.  Might I suggest a pull up progression be followed, even something as simple as stopping by the gym daily x 2 weeks to work on eccentric (lowering) or we can get more fancy and follow a strict pull up progression, or advice like Pull up progression video.

Remember, there are many philosophies and theories to approach this, and it can be a hot topic with some athletes and coaches alike.  Remember, any subs are supposed to show you the path to any movement you're working towards, so don't get complacent.