FullSizeRender 4Partner "Excalibur Catepillar," 9am group, with Nora and Grace crowned over Ryan and Chris.  Coach Kyle introduced us to this one, DL, PC and Push Jerks, and the 10am trying to figure out what we were doing when we looked like this before starting each round: 85b40a8c75a61f7fdd96714b12e94b69But, we all felt mighty victorious after this one:)

This week, the CrossFit world goes mental.  The CrossFit Games begin for individual and team competition on Wednesday and runs through Sunday down in Carson, Ca.  The best in our sport convene to challenge one another and what is physically and mentally possible.  Since we all have an appreciation how difficult this stuff is, it's pretty amazing to watch what the best can do.  Follow along at http://games.crossfit.com/ for all the events, updates and action.  You might see a few of our friends along the way, as most of HQ will be going and working on this event.

We're going to try to arrange for a viewing party on Friday after the WODs, so keep posted!  The idea being that if we can arrange it, bring food/dring/friends and something to sit or lay on, and we can watch the Friday Evening Action from Carson in our own gym.  More to follow.

Now, back to the business ahead for the week.  3, 2, 1, GO!


Workout of the Day

7 Rounds for Time

100 m. sprint

10 push-ups

10 push press 75/55#

rest :30


More "Excalibur" Pics!

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