FullSizeRender 33, 2 ,1....GO!  1/2 of the Noon class getting after it today.  Look at that flight!  Lots of air under those toes. It's been a fun week of WODs, and here's a great one to finish on.  Chip away and see what you have left for those hang snatches at the end.  If you've been pushing it all week, push through a little bit more.

This weekend we have our regularly scheduled 9am WOD, 10am Community WOD and Open Gym from 11-12.  Coach Kyle will be on hand to dish out the movements, fun and high-5's, so come join us on Saturday and start your weekend off with a dose of CF UP Fitness.

Workout of the Day

Skill: hang snatch/ t2b kip


For time:

50 slam balls

40 T2B

30 box jumps 30/24”

20 weighted situps*

10 hang snatch 115/75#

* 40/25# DB on chest