IMG_5250Beach WOD Shenanigans!  Coach Eddie kept us moving and out of breath this morning using a few implements, some teamwork and friendly competition.  Had a great showing of CFU, newcomers and kids!  We had so much fun we forgot to take a group pic.  What a great day to get outside and enjoy SC. Getting OUTSIDE the gym is important.  There is something potent about sand, surf and vitamin D, along with camaraderie and Coach Eddie's application of fitness, that makes these Beach WODs so fun.  Plus, when you all bring friends, we get to have fun with new people too.  Be on the lookout for more before summer is over.

Now it's back to the week.  We have a couple of chippers this week and two "girls" for benchmarks to add to the log (yes, you should be keeping one.  Start here if you don't know what to look for.)  Logging your data points helps to track progress over time.  What was your last Annie time?  Didn't write it down?  Huh.... How do you know if you're getting fitter?  Same with your strength lifts.  You need to know your DL, back squat and press.  This comes in handy when doing percentage work (which you will be seeing more of as we integrate more strength work into the WODs).  Write it down and watch those numbers go UP.  Its a fun game.

Now, back to regularly scheduled programming.


Workout of the Day


Reverse lunges

5 x 3 (+# from 06/10)


For time:

20 OH lunge 95/65


20 OHS

20 Front squats

20 OH lunge