FullSizeRender 4Great Sunday Beach WOD with CF UP friends, old and new.  Big thanks to Coach Eddie for bringing it to the beach to unite this group in the name of fitness. Summertime evokes visions of beach time and relaxation.  Despite "June Gloom," we ROCKED a beach WOD today.  So fun to get together with some of our friends, old and new, hit a WOD (thanks Eddie!), get some grub, and apply our fitness with a semi-serious game of volleyball.  All this is a sign of how great our community is.  Showing up to play with others on a weekend, bringing friends, being inviting to others, and having fun!  I hope we inspire you as much as you all inspire us!

Now, let's get the week off to a strong metabolic start!

Workout of the Day

Skill: max handstand hold (up to 3 attempts)



Tabata 20:10 x 8

Hollow rocks

KB swing

plank holds

pull-up kip

(complete all 8 rounds before next mvmt.  Score lowest round)

Ever think, "why is it called 'Tabata'?"  Well, read more about it here.  Great article by BreakingMuscle.com.  Great resource if you don't already frequent this site.  It is on my daily hit list.