IMG_5394Happy, smiling faces.  Climbing UP, gym shenanigans, or Heather's gun show, there's never a dull moment or need to look for a reason to celebrate, support or smile. Rope climbs are getting crushed!  Lots of first trips up the rope on Monday, a testament to hard work, fitness and dedication to improving.  Damn, I guess I have to put that "EASY" button back up there, huh?  So fun to see so many breakthroughs already this week.   Proof pictures to follow soon!

Tomorrow we get a bit more primal.  Use your whole body to move your whole body.  Yes, this is much more taxing than you'd believe.  Make noises for extra credit.


Workout of the Day

A: 5 min max strict T2B (Remember Eddie's Challenge of 30 unbroken?  Who's got it?)


B: AMRAP 10 Min

100’ bear crawl

100’ broad jump

100’ crab walk