IMG_4753Sonja spending a lot of time below parallel in today's quad-crushing WOD. So often we hear people talk about where they want to get there and the vision they have for it. As our friend and member, Lis Darsh said in her blog today, "consistent showing up beats perfect planning," which is so very true.  Improvement is seen, and expedited, with consistency, in all aspects of life.  Not happy with your squat?  Work on it, daily.  Can't master your kip?  Stay after class, come to open gym, master it.  Don't wait for it to pop up in the rotation, make time for it.  A full motion, deep squat can take years to mature, but effort it what makes makes it happen sooner rather than later.   It's all about consistent improvement and skill acquisition, good thing we have a high skill day tomorrow.

5 Rounds for Time:

In 90 sec:

15 hang power snatch 75/55#

Max double unders

Rest: 1 min *score DU’s
