IMG_4543Squat face-off!  Partner WOD shares the burden during Eddie's Saturday class.  The "resting" partner doesn't get off that easy, having to hold the bar while the other partner is "working."  It's all work. Any time we move, we're doing work.  Work = Force x Distance.  You move more weight, you've done more work.  You move further, you move faster, you've done more work.  If you take time into the equation (work/time) you get power (one of our favorite words around here).  Power is expensive, it is tiring (think Monday's WOD: Clean variations and double unders = tired and sweaty, right?) and it is what pushes our fitness.  Here is a link to a great article in the CrossFit Journal on Coach Glassman's three-dimensional definition of health and fitness.  Read up, there may be a test!


Workout of the Day

A: 1rm push jerk

Then B: 800m. run

50 sit-ups

50 wall walks

800m. run (scale as needed)

Been a great week of training, let's do it again tomorrow!