FullSizeRender 23Coach Eddie is pretty stoked on our new sustainable water system at CF UP.  Have you tried it yet?  Make it more sustainable, bring your own water bottle.  Yes, and put a sticker on it. OK, OK, enough gratuitous Eddie-ness; here's the results from today.  Way to hammer the split jerk and AMRAP, peeps!

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Tomorrow, we move from barbells to bodies.  Move your own, fast.

Workout of the Day

Skill: T2B Kip


4 rounds:

18 T2B

15 cal row

12 pistols (alternating)

(start in any place as we only have 2 rowers).


Yep, pistols.  We're gonna hit your ankles, 'cause they're probably tight.  Here's a great MWOD on hitting the tight corners of your ankle mobility, restoring your range to pistol like a rock star.
