IMG_7142Heather, our featured athlete this week, going big on her 7RM back squat tonight.  Not only did she and Jenny (also pictured spotting her) lift the most of our female athletes, her prior 1RM was 143 and today she did 153# x 7 reps!  Leigh also took 19 seconds off her row in 1 month!!  I heard a lot of other accomplishments, too many to list! 30-Day "Lean and Mean for 2016" was a huge success!  Lots of smiling faces leaving the dunk tank today, a testament to all of our dedication for the last month! Great work everyone on getting some strong momentum in all aspects of wellness in 2016- there is more to come I'm sure.

One thing Aeron from Fitness Wave said; "Across the board, the common thread for everyone that improved was 'no booze, no sugar.'" 30 days without booze = drop in body fat %.  A good reflection on how the little things matter over time.

OK, OK, back to the WODs:

Tabata: plank sit-ups 4L side plank 4R side plank toes to bar


3x4 BB good mornings, building Superset: 3x4 RDL, building


The Good Morning is a new lift/variation to CF UP- check the video to get acquainted.