photo (7) Pull-up homework for the week is up on the whiteboard, but if you're doing it at home, here it is:

Day 1 this week will ideally be completed on Monday, and it is, again, 10 separate singles. Use the same band or weight as last week, but try to rest a little less between singles.

Day 2 will ideally be done on Wednesday, leaving you fresh for regular pull-up programming on Friday. This week it is 6 sets of 4, completed with the same band that you used on Day 2 of last week for your 8 sets of 3. Rest as needed between sets.



A. foam roll quads and hamstrings, 4:00.

B. 2 rounds: bear crawl, down and back 6/side hip swing, front to back 6/side hip swings, side to side 6 Russian KBS 3/side KB rainbows 3 box jumps for max power 6 goblet squats 3 hanging bar push-downs for lat activation


back squat, 20:00 to work up to a peak of 3


For time: 1 rope climb 2 front squats (185/135) (should be 70-75% of your 1RM) 1 rope climb 4 front squats 1 rope climb 6 front squats 1 rope climb 4 front squats 1 rope climb 2 front squats