FullSizeRender 18Milestone Monday: Gabby and her dad, Barry, finishing her first mile- ever(!)- as a birthday present to Barry.  Happy Birthday Barry, and congratulations Gabby on a huge accomplishment. Empowering.  That is one of the words I hear the most when it comes to CrossFit.  "I never thought I could ...." But with time, dedication, a bit of, call it , "strong will," we can do things we never thought possible.  Today marked the day where Gabby finished a mile, the first time, admittedly, she had done so as she always found a way out of it in gym class.   We all need to push ourselves to that point just beyond where we think we can go in order to get better.  Don't worry, you have us there to support you, and celebrate you, despite the outcome.  But you can't break through if you don't try.

WOD for Tuesday

9 min AMRAP

6 (sq) snatch 115/75

12 box jumps 30/24”


Let's go for this:
