April Fools!  Thanks for being good sports in the name of fitness!10446327_352685334927721_639969415983436599_oCongrats to those who stuck it out and came to get work DONE, no matter what the work was.  5k is an important benchmark, and the joke is really on us as you all now are more well-rounded athletes with some objective data.  Not to mention PRs by Erin, Adriana, oh, and Eddie ran it twice! Workout of the Day

5 rounds for Time

7 power snatch 135/95


21 double-unders

Let's get a barbell back in your hands, but don't let it drop til you're done with 16 reps.  Power, stability and coordination,  along with traction and compression, your shoulders will have to do all of it in this workout.  If you're sore from the 5k, this one will loosen up your ankles as we move into the OH squat.   Two higher skill movements, the power snatch and double unders, we'll go over in detail.  Check the video below to see Matt Chan set up and complete the Power Snatch along with points of performance.
