FullSizeRenderBird's eye view of the 5:30pm class setting up for this SNATCH workout tonight.  Packed house. "How much you bench, Bro?"  Yeah, we'll actually get to say that after tomorrow.

Adding the bench press into our programming will help develop upper body pushing strength, that we should see translate into our push up progressions, OH presses, and really anything that involves pushing or pulling (so, yeah, everything).  We'll do a primer and then get to work, and use those pressing mechanics in the WOD as well, whether you do regular or endurance WOD.

Workout of the Day

Bench press 5-5-5-5

3 rounds: 21 HR push-ups Run 800 m.

Endurance WOD

“Coffey” run 800 50 back squat 50 bench run 800 35 back squat 35 bench run 800 20 back squat 20 bench run 800 1 muscle-up

Get after it.

Results from Wednesday
