FullSizeRender 7Often found in gyms, the "low bar" variety has a strong following.  Strength/Powerlifting, Day 1. When we look beyond our personal fitness, we start to become interested in the nuances of all realms.  Understanding that adding raw strength will improve our general physical preparedness and translate better to all of our lifts is huge, and great to see our membership reach for and grab this as a resource.  Can't make it on M and W evening?  Don't worry, the program will be available.  Show up early, stay late, go to open gym, whatever, just be sure to get your lifts in.  Have specific questions- email me at ryan@dewittpt.com and I'll do my best to get you the answer.


Workout of the Day

A: 5 min of candlesticks (http://gymnasticswod.com/content/roll-candle-stick)

B: AMRAP 8 8 ring dips 8 front squats 135/95 8 burpees


Endurance WOD

AMRAP 15 30 pistols 15 power clean 125/85# rest 3:00 AMRAP 15 30 KBS 53/35 30 DU’s 15 burpees