7601-Clipart-Picture-Of-A-Beer-Mug-Mascot-Cartoon-Character-Lifting-A-Heavy-BarbellBarbell and Brew WOD Friday at 4:30pm!  WOD, then crack some brew and share with your friends.  Home brew, your favorite 22oz, or anything else, just bring enough to share with others.  Sign up on Mind Body! Great effort on that grueling WOD today.  I'm sure we all pushed a little harder, went a little darker for our Vets- Thank you!

Bring it again tomorrow:)

Workout of the Day

Buy In:  200 m. farmers carry 2x53/35 kb

then 3 rounds 11 hang power clean 115/75 21 pull-ups Cash Out: 200 m. farmers carry


Endurance WOD

75 DU’s 75 power cleans 75/53# 75 push jerk 75 T2B 75 DB snatch 40/25 75 push-ups 75 DU’s