FullSizeRender 20Swinging away on Wednesday. Lots of volume today, you might feel this one in those hammies and shoulders for a day or two.  Shake 'em out, and come back tomorrow for either our regular WODs or the Endurance WOD at 6:30.  Pick your poison, but pick wisely:)


WOD for Thursday


SDHP 95/65


hollow rocks


Endurance WOD for Thursday

3 Deadlift 315/225

21 lateral bar over burpee+ pushup (burpee with extra pushup before you get up and lateral jump)

3 DL, 18 lateral bar over burpee pushup

3 DL/15...12....9...6...

3 DL 3 Lateral bar over burpee + pushup


Here's some more pics from today:

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