FullSizeRender 15Anthony.  Checking the board on Sat and ready for anything. Some of us are planners, some just roll with it.  Saturdays are kind of like that, as we know it'll be hard, but we aren't sure quite what to expect.  You may have seen this quote on our website from CF, Inc.

"The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. We have sought to build a program that will best prepare trainees for any physical contingency – not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable."

Saturdays take this pretty literally, and it takes a little something different from us who participate in the Saturday workouts as it relates to mind-set.  For better or worse, it's just different, and sometimes, different is good!

Don't worry, we're still going to post the WODs- chose to look or chose to enjoy the anticipation, it doesn't matter to us.

This week is kicking off with a fusion of interval and EMOM training.  See what happens when training styles party too hard.

We're going through a bit of a de-load this week in terms of weight as we prep for the TOTAL on Monday 9/28.  I know it seems like we have to cram in extra strength work to "study" for the test next week, but I assure you we'll all do just fine if we've been putting in regular WODs.  Eat well, sleep well, and get ready for another great week of programming!


Workout of the Day

10 rounds

:30 box jumps 24"/20"

with (EMOM)

Odd minute :30 wallballs 20#/14#

Even minute :30 pushups

:30 rest

Count total reps