11082369_899838590058000_241322634768660632_oHappy Mother's Day to all the strong, amazing moms in our gym and beyond.  And how fitting since we'll be on the rings tomorrow.  Anyone care to re-enact this at CF UP? If we've been influenced by our mothers, a mother figure, or anyone for that matter, their effect on us is only felt, developed and appreciated sometimes years later.  Through consistency, exposure, correction and time, we become who we are.  Sounds like a familiar parallel to our time and dedication in the gym to becoming better moving and more capable humans.  It's always about the process.


Workout of the Day

Skill: Muscle Up Progressions/Practice


AMRAP 12 Min

9 muscle-ups

60 double-unders

If you don't have your muscle ups or are SUPER close, don't miss the chance to get one step closer, and possibly even UP on those rings.  Check out this video from CF HQ on the need for keeping the rings tight to make the transition, where most of us get stuck.
