image"Squats O' Fun!"  Bre, Calah and Elizabeth working through their reps during one of Eddie's Saturday WODs.  Focus, strength and position. Last week you all braved the "Unknown and Unknowable," and came out stronger both mentally and physically.  Our Open Prep continues, and here comes a high skill day to start things off.  The Open is all about starting with some sort of inclusivity, and when it begins to separate, it is in the higher skill movements, such as the snatch and muscle up.  Expect to see these, along with other (double unders?) make regular appearances the next few weeks for sure.  Seek virtuosity and constantly strive to improve.

Workout of the Day

Skill:  Muscle-up progressions/ practice Then, WOD “Ogar” AMRAP 14 3 (sq) snatch 135/95 1 muscle-up 12 wall balls 20/14

Who is "Ogar?"  Kevin Ogar is an athlete.  Here is a little bit about him:


Where are you on your Muscle Ups and what is the next phase?  Check our our CF UP Muscle Up Progression Worksheet here:

A strong set of pull ups is a pre-requisite for getting your first muscle up.  Build your pull up using our Pull UP Club Homework (to the left of the WOD board) using our 3 step process.