FullSizeRender 16Eddie, Leigh and Brandon, lat preppin' for today's WOD.  How do you get through 50 C2B, 100 sit ups and 50 pull ups?  One at a time. Today was a burner.  Lots of pulling.  Hopefully you can straighten your arms later and perform basic tasks like feeding yourself tomorrow.  It was great to see so many athletes go unbroken on the situps (Leigh and Eddie in the noon class!), as all of your capacities are improving.  Since we don't want to have to pull anything tomorrow, let's do more pushing to finish off the arms.  Suns out, guns out, right?  Get swole for the weekend.  I guess we need to order more tank tops.


Workout of the Day

Strength: heavy single thruster (rack)


Buy in: 400 m. farmers carry

then 21-15-9

thruster 95/65#ring dip

Cash Out: 400 m. farmers carry