1. How long have you been doing CrossFit?

    - My first day was November 14, 2015. Coach Nic made me make an unbreakable vow to come check out the Saturday community WOD. 

Photographic evidence: Jen at her first workout at UP!


2. What are some things you've accomplished since starting. 

  - The first thing I began to notice was my endurance and strength changing along with losing weight.  I can run without stopping. I'm amazed that I can lift so much more than when I first started. It's as if when the weight comes off my butt it goes on the bar. I can strict press my 7 year old son with no problem, so that's cool. 


3. Are you working on any new CrossFit goals or PR's 

 - Yes! I want that pull up so bad and when I finally get it I'm throwing a party and you're invited. 

   DU's, T2B, the list goes on and on but I really want that pull up.

Jen and Jon with the results of their first Open workouts!


4. Favorite cheat meal?

 -Joes Crab Shack. The whole shack. 


5. What's your favorite outdoor activity?

-Backpacking! I love it. Jackass Lake, yep, is one of my favorite places. I like to find the highest peak and climb to the top. 

Jen and her son Michael hiking.


6. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

 - Speak fluent Japanese. 


7. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

 - Climb Mt. Everest. It could be done in one day, right?


8. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

 -John Lennon. I just want to give him a hug and tell him "thank you"


9. What was the last movie, TV show, or book that made you cry or tear up?

 -Pete's Dragon, like five minutes in. 


10. Name something on your bucket list.

- See the Northern Lights.