FullSizeRender 7Squat Clinic: part deux.  Ashleigh, Jack, Grace and Nic getting their squat activated. It's important to hammer the basics, and sometimes we have to spend some extra time re-tooling some of our motor patterns.  The definition of Virtuosity is "doing the common uncommonly well," and to that point, we should be striving for virtuosity in our foundational movements to then build performance upon.  We put in mobility and correctives to help you get closer, workout by workout.  For a more advanced primer, come to our movement clinics- check the board!

Workout of the Day

Skill:Toes 2 Bar kipping skill


WOD:  For Time

10 Overhead Squats 135/95#

10 Toes 2 Bar

20 Front squat

20 T2B

30 back squat

30 T2B


Here is a couple of videos from our friends at CF HQ on performing some of our more challenging skills for tomorrow's WOD.  Have fun, be better.

