image Total!  It was raining PRs at CF UP today.

Thanks to our coaches and athletes, and especially Eddie for holding down the bulk of this day with PRs and safety!

Neno takes top male and Elizabeth with top women's score- WOW!

This stuff works!  Objective, measurable, repeatable.  Test, retest.  Best way to track progress or get a starting data point for some of our newer athletes (huge shout out to our recent Fundamentals Grads who came out today!).  Write it down, put your time in, retest.  Trust the process.

Tomorrow, we're going to shift from heavy singles to monostructural (CF word for "cardio").  We'll add in some other "work," but we want to drain this other energy system.  The rest of the week is full of surprises and even a re-test from earlier in the year.

Workout of the Day

Tabata Core


For time

400 m. run

750 m. row

400 m. run