11090965_357020977827490_4578320445370299138_oMaking it look easy, Nic joins the 400 club. So many PRs today!  In fact, 85% of our athletes who completed this WOD hit one.  A testament to your dedication, commitment to training and tireless effort!  We, your coaches, are proud of you all, and we've been smiling about it all day!

We're here for moments like these.  The victories, big and small.  To congratulate you on your success and pick you up when things don't go quite as planned.  We trust that you will improve consistently with dedication, and you trust us with guiding your fitness and development.  Trust the process, the program and yourself.

Workout of the Day


20 wall balls 20/14#

10 pistols

1 rope climb

If you missed the rope climb on Monday, here's another crack at it.  Pack your long socks.  Lots of time below parallel tomorrow, get your ankles/hips ready.

More success to come for us all.